Monday, September 28, 2015

1st 6 Second Video


  1. 1. The wolfs walk could be exaggerate more to give more personality. Maybe give him a aggressive walk.
    2. your wolfs walk cycle looks a bit off. It looks like the feet are tapping on the ground rather the walking forward. (but that could be just me seeing that)
    3. Your bunny girl is really cute. Especially when she looks around from behind the tree.
    4. During her first dig in the ground maybe she could go around the tree instead of under it. It looks like she is traveling through the tree. (but that could be just me seeing that)
    5. Your digging animation works really well, but maybe the dirt bumps could have a bigger size variety. Also they could stay on the ground.
    6. Both of the times the bunny girl pops up works really well. Maybe she could aim at him with her gun.
    7. The second time she pops up, her bunny ears are gone.
    8. Your timing in this animation is good.
    9. It is a little weird the way her digging suddenly stops. Maybe the digging could continue off screen. Also the last digging could be going toward the wolf instead of a tree.
    10. Over all your scene is clear, cute and shows good character performance with the bunny girl.

  2. I agree about the walk, it seems really stiff for an evil character. The little piles of earth could have a frame or two where they sink down slightly after she makes them, like right now it looks like a sonic wave. Also I know we don't need to add a lot of it yet, but think about secondary animation in her ears when she appears behind the tree, they could do a cute little flop or something. The ears in this film can really act as signals for how your character is feeling or what the mood of the story is.
